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Project Management-related Websites

This datebase contains details of some 215 project management-related websites. They are coded into  categories and may be searched for individually or by category. Its purtpose is to enable members to rapidly identify websites that are likely to contain project management information or services that they need (for example it is possible to select and display details of websites offering recruitment services or project management training courses)

Latest developments

March 2007

A further 10 project management-related websites in the education area were added to the database

 General details

The database may be searched in the following ways:

1) To find an organisation's website, type in at least two letters from the organisation's name or the whole name and press submit.  The search will return details of relavent websites e.g. entering the letters 'QU'  yields the following websites:


Queen Mary College London 


Higher Education Institution (UK) 

MSc in Project Management

Queens University Belfast 



MSc Rural Development and Project Management


2)  The database may be searched using primary keywords to identify types of of project management websites and then secondary keywords to home into more specific requirements.  For example, a search using the primary keyword area 'Software provider'  and then the secondary keyword 'Enterprise PM' yields the following results:


Corporate Project Solutions Ltd 

Software provider  

Enterprise PM 



The key words below are examples that define primary search parameters:

Website Primary Key Words

Website Primary Key Words Description  / Notes
Project Industry Associations Organisations that promote project management within different industries and in general
Project Management BookshopsCompanies and organisations that sell project management–related books
Project ConsultantsOrganisations that provide consultancy services in project management and project management–related disciplines
Project organisation - Civil Engineering- related Civil engineering–related organisations
Project Management Conference organisersOrganisations that specialise in project management conferences and exhibitions
Project Management Education Public and private sector providers of project management education
Project- related Government websites Government websites that provide materials of significant interest to the project management industry
General project management information Website with a wide range of project management materials
IT –Related project websitesProject management-related websites of significant interest to those in the IT industry
Project Management PortalsWebsites that provide significant numbers of links and connections to other project  management – related websites
Project–related Professional Institutes and Associations Professional organisations for those in the project management industry
Project servicesCommercial organisations that provide project management and project – related services
Publishers of Project Management Books 
Project Management Recruitment agencies 
Project Management Software providers 
Project Management Standards Websites that contain or provide access to project management standards
Project Management Training Providers Organisations that provide training to meet recognised qualifications in project management
Construction –related Project Management Websites Websites pf considerable to project managers in the construction industry
Project Management Maturity assessment specialistsOrganisations that provide project management maturity information and/or assessment services


The following key words are examples that define secondary search parameters:

Websites – Secondary Key words

Websites – Secondary Key words
BusinessMultiple products
Cost managementProcurement
Project ProcurementProcess management
CollegeRisk Management
E Learning University
Organisations that set project management examinations Industry Associations
GeneralSoftware providers
Higher Education Institution (UK) 
Enterprise Project Management  
IT Service Management  




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