Project Management Reference Books This section of the website enables the reader to search for good quality project management -related books. The search may be carried out in different ways: 1) By inserting part or all of the book title. e.g the entry 'best practices' will return relevant book titles and author. Title | Author | | Advanced Project Management - Best practices on implementation - Second edition | Kerzner H | select |
By clicking on 'select' full bibliographic details are provided: Title | Advanced Project Management - Best practices on implementation - Second edition | Author | Kerzner H | Category 1 | Handbook | Category 2 | General | Publisher | John Wiley & Sons inc | Published Date | 2004 | Pages | 847 | ISBN | ISBN 0-471- 47284-0 | 2) by inserting the author's name e.g Inserting the author's name 'Kerzner' gives the following books on the database by Kerzner: Title | Author | | Project Management | Kerzner H | select | Advanced Project Management - Best practices on implementation - Second edition | Kerzner H |
Clicking on 'select' gives the bibliographic details as before Title | Project Management. A systems approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 5th Edition | Author | Kerzner H | Category 1 | Handbook | Category 2 | General | Publisher | Van Nostrand Reinhold | Published Date | 1995 | Pages | 1152 | ISBN | 0-442-01907-6 |
3) This search enables the reader to search for books in a particular area of project management by selecting key words in primary and secondary categories For example, selecting the primary key 'Multiple project management' followed by 'Programme management' might yield the following list of books relavent to this subject area Title | Author | | Managing programmes of Business Change - A handbook of the principles of Programme management | Bartlett J | select | Managing programmes of Business Change - A handbook of the principles of Programme management (3rd e | Bartlett J | select | Programme Management Demystified- managing multiple projects successfully | Reiss G | select |
Clicking on 'select' returns bibliographic details as before Typical search keys for Reference Books are as follows: Reference Books - Primary Key Words | Reference Books – Secondary Key Words | Bodies of Knowledge | Accounting | Business & commercial | Benefits Management | Project Management Competencies | Contracts | Finance and Financial Controls | Construction Industry | General Project Management | General | Project Governance & Organisation | Portfolio Management | Handbooks | Programme management | Information technology | Process industry | Legal aspects of project management | Purchasing | Project Management Methodologies | Quality assurance | Multiple Project Management | Quality Planning | Project Appraisal | Risk | Project Planning | Success / failure | People | | Project Procurement (purchasing and contracts) | |